Weedless Garden Plots
Weedless Garden Plots
Don't let the thought of back breaking weeding keep you from having your own vegetable garden this year! Never weed again with the Weedless Garden Plot.
This is definitely not your mother's landscape fabric, but instead is a landscape mat that is heavier and thicker than any landscape fabric you have ever seen. The thick fabric keeps the soil warm and moist. It will even save you time spent watering. The Weedless Garden Plot is made of a 100% recycled fiber and is guaranteed for life. You can anchor your Garden Plot to treated 4x4's for a raised bed garden, or it can be staked right into your prepared soil. Either way you'll have a great veggie harvest without weeds!
This 4' 6'' x 6' mat has 2 inch holes already punched and is ready for the seeds or plants of your choice. You can add mulch on top for appearance, but it is not necessary and actually looks quite good in its own light green color. We recommend extending your garden plot 2 feet beyond the mat to have an area for broadcasting seeds like carrots, radishes, greens, or planting onions.
Click here to view planting suggestions for our Garden Plots.
Click here to view our Garden Plot installation instructions.